Kaiser Neurointerventionalist Visit

Today we woke up super early to be at Kaiser Fontana by 8:15. Traffic was light so we got there with plenty of time to spare. On March 24, Neurointerventional Radiologist Dr. Charles Stout of Riverside Community Hospital saved Michael's life. He will forever be a hero to our family. Today we saw Kaiser's equivalent, Dr. Mazen Noufal. He carefully studied the medical records from Community before coming in the room. After the exam he said the most awesome thing. He said, "With the medical records I studied I thought the patient in this room would be far worse off than you are, Mr. Canon. You are doing very well for the damage this stroke caused and I have no doubt you will continue to improve." It was music to our ears. ❤ Here is the lowdown: 1) M will have a CTA of the head and neck for Dr. Noufal to see how the artery Dr. Stout enlarged during the Thrombectomy is doing. If it appears it has narrowed again at all, they will put a stent there to keep it open per...