Highlights of the Day

For many, many years Michael and his friend John from Boston have made it a point to reach out on each other's birthdays. They've been friends since the Middletown, NY days. They met in middle school. I recall before cell phones were invented they used to send funny cards in the mail and/or an occasional landline call then once we were all connected at all times, it started becoming a cellphone call. Michael's birthday is before John's in the year so M always gets a ribbing about being the "old" one. When May 12 rolls around it's Michael's turn to issue payback. It's always something to which he looks forward.

Well, today is May 12 and Michael is not able to have a conversation this year, but he can say "Happy Birthday, John" so that's just what we did! We gave John a call and put him on speaker phone. M was super happy to hear his voice and smiled much of the time while we heard about life in Boston and what John has been up to. It was a very special time and next year Michael will have twice as many old guy jabs to dish out when he can speak better. 😃

Other than our awesome birthday conversation, we came up with some fun dominoes activities and played this morning after breakfast, he had 1010! game time on the tablet, (he's working on his high score post-stroke) and then he spent 20 minutes on the bike today at the gym and 20 minutes of couch standing after lunch. Now it's just nature TV shows. We love learning about nature!

This photo was taken a couple of years ago when John came to So Cal and we had a fun Palm Springs weekend with him complete with Martinis. Happy Birthday, John!

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