This is the update I have been looking forward to for 6 weeks.

Arrived at Ballard at 9:30 and we were released and out of there by 10:15.

No troubles with the car ride. They were not sure how he would do...dizzy, nausea, etc because of his equilibrium. He did not need our barf bag, so yay! Test 1 out of the way!

He was smiling so big while coming into our community. It was drizzling, but everything looked so green.

We made it into the house in a reasonable amount of time. We will become pros before you know it.  Test 2 out of the way!

The first stop in the house M wanted to go to is his Owl Room as he called it. It was where he would go to escape and write. He even wanted to roll his wheelchair directly under his desk and luckily it fit well. Little tight getting around everything, but we made it. The coolest thing happened as we were looking out the window. A little hummingbird taking a drink on our succulent flew right up to the window and hovered there as if to say, "Welcome Home Michael!" LOL Super cute!

Now I am making lunch while he is catching up on episodes of Rick & Morty.

Taking it nice and easy today...other than a couple of Therapist Tina sessions.

Waiting outside the front door with one of our favorite CNAs, Elizabeth.

All ready to go!

Little Hummer outside our window

Sitting at his desk

Exploring the house

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