Wednesday May 9 Update

Yesterday was a busy PT, OT, Speech Day back at Ballard. (one hour of each in succession) Michael did great and endured the long day. His endurance is definitely improving. He slept long and hard last night which is good.

Today was just spent at home. Just the two of us. It's kind of weird when you worry about what you are going to do keep the day occupied, making the most of it, when you are in this situation. It's something you'd never imagine you'd think of. During our old life we could always independently find things to do, but now for me it's planning a day for two with balance. You don't want to be too busy, but not busy at all is very depressing! "They" say we should have a tight schedule...I think those who say that have never been a 24/7 caregiver. I can't worry about doing things certain times (except meals), but instead I will try to fill the day with meaningful activities. That doesn't seems as stressful.

We had a good morning with breakfast and time on the patio watching the neighborhood construction show. Then we came inside and did 15 minutes of standing and shuffling right and left at the back of the couch. After that we had some tablet game time and M played 10/10. He did well and was occupied for quite awhile. His ability to touch and move items on the screen are improved from the last time he played. Then I was just curious how his level of reading is at this point, so we gave it a try and he did great identifying some flashcards the Speech Pathologist recommended. He nailed every word, so there is no need to keep that set anymore. Yay!! I think more for him, it's his field of vision and eye movement difficulties he still has that is the biggest challenge.

After that it was lunchtime which is honestly not my favorite time of day..meals in general. What to feed him so he doesn't choke. It's super scary...seriously! His right hand definitely is no longer his most coordinated, but he still insists on using it. Meals can last a very long time (and usually do)

After lunch he was ready to go for a walk. It's a bit warm and overly sunny today, but I thought, What the heck?..we can make it a short one. We went to the new clubhouse up the street from our house. It has lovely landscaping, so I figured we could just meander a bit. We sat on their patio awhile and enjoyed the breeze. Then I got a great idea! Let's go in and check out the gym. Maybe there is something there M could do. I sized up the recumbent bike and thought we could get him out of his wheelchair and maneuver to the seat. He seemed extra motivated and easily transitioned to the seat. I strapped him in using his gait belt. He never looked wobbly and his coordination was great!

Well...that guy went 15 minutes and would have done more if I hadn't worried about his heart rate getting too high. He seemed happy to be moving (just like when he got to use the bike thing at Ballard) After that we did a few minutes of light dumbbells and I gave myself the new name of Coach T. Now all I just need a whistle. 😆 Wow..wouldn't that be annoying?!

After that activity it was time to go home and take a snooze! He did great and it seriously made me so proud and happy. This will definitely be something we will do on our "off" days.  💗

Finally, today my cousin in Mississippi told me I was so strong. Sometimes I am. Other times I go in another room and lose it for a couple of minutes when I start thinking of what used to be and worry about the future. Then I come out of the room and smile and do the best I can and try to be the most patient I've ever had to be in my life. However, with positives like today I can't help but be more optimistic. As a lady on a blog I've been following told me (she also had 3 cerebellar strokes, but at only 30 years old), I will get my husband just takes a long ass time.

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