Therapies & Home Depot

Today's therapies went pretty well. However, not my bragging about our walker adventure two days ago.

Me: "He walked across the house with his walker and onto the back patio the other day."
PT: That's great, but not advisable. You risk him falling and hurting himself and you as well. Wait awhile before trying that again. He's not quite ready."

Oops! Well shoot! He did love the part when I told them M was enjoying the recumbent bike at the gym, so at least that one got a thumbs up approval.  😁  More biking, less walking....OK...I get it.

Imagine this. Your barely verbal husband asks to go to Home Depot on the way home from therapy. All you have on your mind is what to make for dinner and you feel so relieved you survived the rush hour traffic and so happy to almost be home. But you would do anything to make hubby happy, so you go along with the impromptu errand.

OK. So we get there and I get that he wants to look at plants. We did have a few die in the frost of this winter, so yeah, we need a replacement or two. He does lots of pointing at drought tolerant plants and I do a lot of reading of the labels aloud. I finally think he wants to buy two of them since he tries to put the drippy containers on his lap, so I take them to the register and go back and get him. (it's a bit difficult to push a 180 pound guy and 35 pound wheelchair anyway, but especially with your hands full of gallon size plants)

So right as we start heading to the outdoor register he points to the inside of Home Depot. I am like "Oh crap...this isn't going to end well." He says he wants a 6 dripper. At least that's what I think he said.  OMG...I did not have the foggiest, but at least I get the dripper part. So I start freaking out in the irrigation aisle bringing box after box down to show him the contents. A man so sweetly tries to assist us but he is way off of what I think M means. I finally find the items after 20 minutes or so and I am feeling like a total landscape loser. We head to the checkout to luckily still find our plants where I put them.

This seems like a funny story and I'm going to try my best to remember it that way. But what was going through my mind is how sad it was that M wanted so badly to do a simple yard project, but was unable to do so. He wants to have life be normal, but this cruel stroke has taken away that ability. All we can do is be patient and hope that someday he gets to do those things we took for granted on a daily basis. To enjoy the normalcy of simply planting a plant in the yard.

That day will come...possibly not as quickly as we'd like. But that day will come...

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