Monday May 7 - Busy Doctor Day!

We both got showered, had breakfast and still got out of the house by 9:30. That is progress in getting used to our routine for sure!

It was doctor day! While visiting Michael's regular GP at Kaiser he referred us to Cardiology,  Neurology, and Opthalmalogy in Riverside. There were cancellations so we were able to see Cardiology and Opthalmalogy today!

The Opthalmalogist did not really have much to say other than often the eye alignment can work itself out. We should see more progress within a couple months. He did make an appointment for us to see another doctor who specializes more in the alignment problem. We go there in about a month.  M has had better eye movement in the past month, so maybe we will see even more in the next.

Next was Cardiology.  The doc wants to follow up with another Echocardiogram in June and a 30 day heart monitor to see if an irregular heartbeat was cause.

She recommends for him to be on a blood thinner for life, just to be safe. However she prescribed a newer drug that does not need to be monitored with constant blood tests. The drug is called Pradaxa. It also does not negatively interact with some foods like Coumadin, so that is a couple of good reasons to switch meds.

So that is it in a nutshell. It was a marathon day and we are both bushed! But we made it through and are finding we are quite portable. Outings are actually good for both of us, I think. Being home all the time would probably not be ideal. We want to keep moving...

Tomorrow we have our first 3 hour outpatient therapies day. We ought to really be exhausted!

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