May the 4th Be With You!

Our second full day has been a better one. (I got a good night's sleep and a shower this morning...that helped immensely)

We explored our backyard and sat on our rockers watching the construction go on across the street. It's better than TV! While enjoying the patio we got a visit from our former co-worker, neighbor, and dear friend Sue. It was great seeing her as she has been such a support during this tough time. She was really happy to see Amazing Mike as she called him. She even got to see us do some of our expert transfers and some super standing exercises. I think he was showing off for her.  😁

Just finished lunch and I asked M what he wanted to do afterwards. "Go on a walk, me and you." So that's what we have planned! We will hop in the car and take ourselves to some level ground. Our street is just too steep for me to navigate at the moment. We don't want any runaway wheelchairs!

This is funny. Just a moment ago at the end of lunch while typing this blog I was jabbering away (as always) and I told him he was probably tired of hearing me talk all the time. He responded in his slow gravely voice, "I like when you talk a lot." Haha! It's recorded here in the blog, so now he can never take it back. LOL

FYI - If I start not updating the blog daily, don't worry...there might not be anything new to report. But I will be sure to keep posting often enough to keep my friends and family up on M's progress.

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