More ...ologists

Today we saw Neurology and Gastrointerology.
Neuro referred M to another Kaiser location to look closely at the vertebral artery that was manually enlarged during the Thrombectomy to see if a stent needs to be put in to maintain constant blood flow. We will wait for that referral to go through.

Gastro is scheduling a barium swallow test to see what us up with the choking on liquid problem. Where is the liquid ending up? This doctor was so kind and you could see his heart really went out to Michael.

So many issues to tackle! Some are beginning to improve on their own, and that is a very positive sign.

While waiting for one of the appointments we did some standing practice. And WOW! It was some super standing for sure! M stood there untouched and stayed balanced for over a minute, two times. I haven't seen that yet! I was so excited. His posture was great and he looked so steady.

We will try that again tomorrow for sure! Progress!!!

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