August 2020

Hi friends and family. I haven't posted in a couple of months. With COVID-19 peaking here in California, we have been laying very low. Walking when not too hot, and riding the cart in the evenings -- maybe a trip to Starbucks -- but mostly staying put in our community.

Father's Day was nice. Ben and Jake came out to see their awesome dad, of course.

Our Anniversary was on July 1. Wow! 32 years.

Despite the pandemic, our community had its 4th of July parade. There were golf carts, classic cars, trucks, jeeps and even a couple of bike riders. I think there were more in the parade than watching on the streets. I'm guessing there were nearly 100 vehicles in total, with several people in each vehicle. My mom came with us again like last year and we had a great time.

As I write this, there is a large fire on the mountains near our house. It started about 7 miles away and has consumed a few thousand acres. It's been interesting watching the aircraft making their drops of Phos-chek (the reddish-pink stuff) I've taken way more photos than I needed to, and below are some of the better ones. Thankfully there has been no loss of life, and only one house burned, up to this point (Aug 2)

All-in-all we are doing well. If you wonder why I disabled the comments in this blog, it's because I kept getting spam comments promising great stroke healing concoctions of one sort or another. OK...sure. Only time will reveal how much of the old self will come back. Sometimes it's a lot, and other times there is a new version of the survivor and you learn to appreciate that person regardless of what has been lost. Luckily, there is also much to be gained.

Father's Day with our wonderful boys

Our 32nd Anniversary lunching alfresco at our private community bistro

Fun on the 4th

Nighttime fun on the 4th

The "Apple Fire"
Our view on Aug 1

Sunset smoke and even pyrocumulus clouds

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