October Review

Having some fun with photo filters on Halloween.  :)

This past month we spent a few days down at Dana Point and had a nice visit from Ben and Jake. They live only about 20 minutes away. We had a good time. (thanks Mom for the use of the condo)

We continued our usual outdoor activities until the winds of the end of the month came around and cramped our style big time! We go out any time we can now. We just need to dress a bit warmer. But from one day to the next, who knows.

Yesterday we got great news from Michael's Neurointerventionalist that his recent CT scan with dye in his veins showed that his stent in the left vertebral artery is holding up well and his other arteries in his head and neck look good. He will not have to be tested again for 2 years. That is good since the dye that is used can put stress on the kidneys. So they will get a break from having to filter that awful dye.

We are not sure that M is going to be granted an extension for speech therapy, so we might officially be on our own. He is doing pretty good is and understandable when he tries. We do sing and talk a lot (well, at least I do, lol) and he joins in when he wants to.

I have hired a personal trainer for Michael to work on his balance and strength at one of the gyms right here in Four Seasons, so we shall see how that goes.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our family and friends.

A beautiful Dana Point sunset.

Hanging out at the beach

We always have something in bloom here at Four Seasons.
This is salvia.

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