August is here!

Golf Cart Parade

Wow! July was a quick month! 

On Independence Day we participated in the Four Seasons Golf Cart parade. My mom was spending several days with us, recovering from knee replacement surgery, so she was able to come along. She and I wore red, white, and blue tiaras and sat in the front seat and M, with his Uncle Sam top hat, sat in the rear facing back seat. Along with around 30 other carts, we waved at everyone along the route and blasted John Philip Sousa marching band tunes from our cart stereo. It was so much fun. 

Jake spent the month in Japan for work and so we constantly followed his adventures, mentally calculating the time difference. (16 hours ahead) We shared many texts where I was wishing him goodnight and he was wishing me good morning. He will be home on the 2nd after 4 full weeks. The people of Japan are very hospitable and treated him well. Mother is pleased. ❣

While Jake was gone we helped Ben and Steven move to their newly leased town home in the Quail Hill area of Irvine. A very nice community. Jake is looking forward to organizing his room that we left looking like a tornado ripped through.

Other than those adventures, we pretty much just did our usual. Walks, bike rides, cart rides, pool time, lunches with our friend, Jeff, and speech therapy in the desert. (which is coming along pretty well)

August is here and it still feels kind of strange that we aren't gearing up for a new school year. We keep it in perspective though and are grateful to be able to be home and continue to hone Michael's skills.

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