The REAL event

What we thought was the event in fact was not. At 4:00 PM on Saturday, March 24, Michael suffered what was actually THE EVENT. He looked at me and said, "Left side tingle, I'm OK." and then started looking like he was having a seizure. Frothing at the mouth, shaking uncontrollably. It was the scariest thing I've ever seen.

I pushed the nurse call button, then ran to get them. Before long I was being rushed out of the room, and all of the medical personnel came in.

The thing that freaked me out was the calmness that everyone had. I know it is their job and they encounter this daily. You want to scream  "MOVE FASTER!!!!!" You notice other people walking by with their lives in full tact while mine is falling apart. I'm sitting in the hallway across from the room watching the activity the best I could....I just knew it was bad.

They took him down to ICU to consult with the stroke team.

They got my belongings and took me to the downstairs waiting room. All by myself....nobody even in the main waiting room. So I just started chanting my usual...You are strong! You are here. You WILL come home to me.

My brother and sister in law showed up within 25 min. and I was able to hold someone and cry.....Ben and Jake were visiting my parents for a little while and they rushed back as well.

They took me to him in some treatment room and I was able to talk to him, tell him I loved him and that I'd see him at the new hospital, Riverside Community where they had a team waiting to remove what they thought was a clot in the back of the brain.

From 7:45 pm until 9:15 pm we were on pins and needles. If they did not get the clot, there was only a 10% survival rate. If they did, he had 48 hours of waiting to see if he had a bleed.

About 9:30 p.m. the neural interventionist Dr. Stout came to us and showed us the procedure. He had a complete occlusion of the main artery to his brain that was clotted. By going through the groin all the way up to the back of his head the clot was able to be removed and the vessel somewhat widened. However if that vessel tries to close again, we will most likely be having a stent put in. But that is a little ways down the road.

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