Movie time

For my birthday last weekend, Ben and Jake treated M and I to a movie and dinner in Newport Beach. The theater was very neat as it had fully reclining seats. We saw John Wick 3. It was awesome being with the guys and we had a great time. (thanks Ben & Jake!)

M is walking quite a bit better recently. As a matter of fact we saw some neighborhood friends while out this week and they did not even recognize us. That's a huge compliment! Lol

I haven't had to purchase liquid thickener now for about 6 months. M will still choke occasionally with water, or any other liquid when his head goes back too far or he swallows too much air. But it seems his swallowing issues in general are a thing of the past. Yay! Here is a pic of all of the measuring spoons we used for the thickener liquid. Each spoon was in a huge container. Wow! He was getting so sick of that stuff.

I have been looking back at photos and blogs from a year ago. It's amazing how much progress he has made since then. Still making improvements, so that's exciting to see!!

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