First week of December

Wow, how quickly time is flying by! December 2nd marked seven months since Michael has been home from the hospital. When I think of how far he has progressed since his stroke over 8 months ago now, it really is amazing.

He is speaking somewhat better lately. He is always so proud when our Google Home understands him and answers back appropriately. Simple requests like "Hey Google, Play Steely Dan" were not always successful. (for that matter, saying "Hey Google" was not successful for quite a long time)  Now when he nails it on the first or second try, it's cause for celebration for both of us. Little victories...

This week we walked 1.9 miles one morning in our community.  M was strong and did great. Our 2.1 mile trek on Christmas Eve is coming up quickly!

He has met his most recent goals in Physical Therapy, so they made new ones such as walking on grass and other uneven surfaces. (if Lori, the PT pictured here saw where we walk at home she would have a cow! LOL) We are not sure how long Kaiser will allow us to continue therapy, but we are making the best of it while we can.

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