More awesomeness

Another great week of improvement with Michael's walking. He does better without the cane, so PT  is working on walking him during therapy. I walk with him more at home too. This morning I got up before him and when I went back to the bedroom, he was not in the bed but rather had gotten up and walked himself into the bathroom. So exciting (yet scary!)

We went on a nice walk over the weekend. (M calls it our "hikes" since it's on trails) We covered almost one mile on this one! He did great.

Today we tried the elliptical at the gym. M did awesome and did not lose balance at all. I had him use the non-moving handholds, he tried the moving arms and he handled it well.

A great week!

"Hiking" in our community

The bridge on our hike
Walking at Ballard

On the elliptical

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