Weekly Update

Not much going on this week. By the time we got the Therapy referrals situated, Ballard was booked until next week. So by the time M gets back, that will be almost a full month between therapy sessions. However, I feel we've been doing a pretty good job moving onward and upward. AND a plus is that he's been able to take lots of great afternoon naps! 😴

We continue doing something each day, either the recumbent bike at the gym, swimming, or walking around the block. He tires out pretty easily but that is to be expected. He still is solely using his walker unless I want to take a long walk, but it's been so hot and humid (or thunderstorms one day) we haven't done much of that lately, so it's been the walker all of the time.

The boys came over this past weekend and noticed a nice improvement on walking progress. I start thinking he's improved some, and then he has a not so good day where he is more wobbly. I still stay very close by to balance him if he totters. I am getting a little more used to the ups and downs though. That's just part of this roller coaster ride we've been on for 3.5 months.

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