Week of July 16

This past week we continued our "month without therapy" workouts and recently got Michael on the rowing machine at our gym. Even though the seat is low and you must have pretty good balance, he did GREAT! I cut him off at 5 minutes, although he seemed like he wanted to do more.  We also went in the pool and I just let him loose to walk. A lady who we had seen a few weeks ago commented on how much more balanced he was than last she saw him. He was really doing well keeping upright and walking at a steady pace.

Today we had M's new evaluations at Ballard Rehab. His techs were surprised how much more he could do now. He was determined to walk in there with only his walker and did well. It's slow going at times, but with a little encouragement he can go at a decent pace to get where he needs to go. Drifts a lot, but can get back on track.

He is trying so hard to speak more (and more clearly) It stresses out his vocal chords, as non-use can really do a number on them. It is difficult to understand him sometimes, but with him trying harder and myself too, we can communicate more than ever. That makes us both very happy. We also sing a lot of songs which is fun and often cracks us up!

His vision is still not doing great, but he seems to be able to see down a bit better. Hopefully that brain soon tells those eyes to sync and look up and down. That will make so many things easier. Time will tell.

This evening on our way home we stopped by one of Michael's favorite restaurants (Rubio's Coastal Grill) and he got a shrimp burrito that he LOVED! While there, the kindness of people offering to help us was very heartwarming. A group of late teen/early 20s helped me get him up a couple of steps to get to the restaurant and opened the door for us. (not very good handicap access there) They were so sweet and caring.  😃  So nice to experience goodness in the world.

Here's to more improvements...slowly but surely. As we often say, "We've got this!"

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