
Showing posts from July, 2018

Week of July 30

Another week of small steps. M is doing well and still improving in many areas. He is more understandable which is less frustrating for him. I've learned to listen closely to what he is saying because he makes me laugh often throughout the day and I don't want to miss a word! We have continued to enjoy the gym and the indoor pool on our off days. His balance continues to improve from walking in the pool. He did 8 laps (75 ft pool) the past couple of times we went. That's a quarter of a mile!! It's been hot here, so we haven't spent much time outside lately. We are missing our walks on the trails and our backyard patio time. But we do dry off on the beautiful patio at the Summit Clubhouse after our swim, if even for a few minutes, to enjoy the view.

Week of July 23

Today marks 4 months since Michael's thrombectomy and the stroke that has entirely changed our lives. Time flies (yet stands still, if you know what I mean) When I think of what it was like then and the progress he has made, I am blown away. Still a lot to go and I have to keep reminding myself to be patient. (M has reminded me a few times too)  😊 Over the past week the Physical Therapist has had Michael trying out a cane which will be the next assistive device for him. He did pretty well considering he still has balance issues and he isn't very agile as of yet. Super exciting, though, to see him starting new goals. SMALL STEPS

Week of July 16

This past week we continued our "month without therapy" workouts and recently got Michael on the rowing machine at our gym. Even though the seat is low and you must have pretty good balance, he did GREAT! I cut him off at 5 minutes, although he seemed like he wanted to do more.  We also went in the pool and I just let him loose to walk. A lady who we had seen a few weeks ago commented on how much more balanced he was than last she saw him. He was really doing well keeping upright and walking at a steady pace. Today we had M's new evaluations at Ballard Rehab. His techs were surprised how much more he could do now. He was determined to walk in there with only his walker and did well. It's slow going at times, but with a little encouragement he can go at a decent pace to get where he needs to go. Drifts a lot, but can get back on track. He is trying so hard to speak more (and more clearly) It stresses out his vocal chords, as non-use can really do a number ...

Weekly Update

Not much going on this week. By the time we got the Therapy referrals situated, Ballard was booked until next week. So by the time M gets back, that will be almost a full month between therapy sessions. However, I feel we've been doing a pretty good job moving onward and upward. AND a plus is that he's been able to take lots of great afternoon naps! 😴 We continue doing something each day, either the recumbent bike at the gym, swimming, or walking around the block. He tires out pretty easily but that is to be expected. He still is solely using his walker unless I want to take a long walk, but it's been so hot and humid (or thunderstorms one day) we haven't done much of that lately, so it's been the walker all of the time. The boys came over this past weekend and noticed a nice improvement on walking progress. I start thinking he's improved some, and then he has a not so good day where he is more wobbly. I still stay very close by to balance him if he tott...


We've had a lot to celebrate these past few days. July 1 was our 30th Anniversary. We just enjoyed a quiet day and capped if off with a nice evening walk to check out the construction across the street and then go to hear the thousands of frogs croak near the clubhouse. While there we met one of the first residents of Four Seasons, a lady by the name of Ruth. She was so friendly and positive that when she walked away I could not help but smile. It was one of "those" encounters. She has no idea of the lift she gave me that day. (holidays tend to be somewhat bittersweet at this point) As I shared in the last post, M is really doing well with his walker. He has already worn the rubber feet right off of it. On the way to the gym yesterday we had to make a U turn and return home about half way up the road. We had nothing but aluminum on concrete and it sounded like fingernails on a chalkboard. We found some tennis balls in the garage and attached those to the bottom (h...