Team Update-Tuesdays at Two

Even though I work at the school district, I've never been in an IEP meeting, but now I understand how it must feel to be the subject of this type of round table discussion. You walk into a room with 6 people sitting there tapping away on their computers/devices waiting to discuss your loved one. It is an intimidating moment even though some (but not all) of the people look familiar around the table. You hold your breath hoping to hear good reports, dreading you won't.

Present were the doctor, head of speech dept, PT, OT, Nurse and Patient Coordinator. I'm pleased to report that all-in-all it was very good news. M has already met some of his short term goals and there was nothing but optimism that he will continue to improve. (might I add he's done much of this therapy half asleep)   :)

After reports from each department it was time for them to tell the doctor how long they believe their particular therapy will take to complete. The unanimous number thrown around the entire table was three weeks. THREE WEEKS! I thought that was kind of good, really.

He is getting some much needed sleep right now after a couple hours of being awake with me which included music, looking at photos and videos of home, lunch and time outdoors getting some fresh air. (well, we are in San Bernardino, but I think the air quality is pretty good today)

Stay in the moment and trust the process. 

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