Rehab is near!

Today we were visited by a rep to inform us that Michael was accepted by Ballard Rehabilitation Hospital in San Bernardino for inpatient services. Our Kaiser insurance will cover up to 100 days of rehab. I cried more tears...but these were tears of joy!

Michael will be going there as soon as tomorrow afternoon! He will continue medical services and receive 3+ hours of therapy per day.

Right after the rep left we got to have lunch. And WOW did that guy eat! He is still on a pureed diet in that there is still worry he might aspirate his food. But the way that went down, I have no doubt he will do great when they reevaluate his swallowing capabilities.

We spent some time looking at pictures of our life over the past few months on my Chromebook. The new house and our recent trip to La Jolla. He enjoyed looking at them while listening to Jazz music where he often knew the names of the songs and one time started singing! When the nurses come in they all agree I am starting him on his therapy even before they get a chance.

They postponed the Echocardiogram until tomorrow morning. In the meanwhile they will compare all reads to continue looking for the origination of the clots.

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