March 28 - More awake today

When I arrived this morning, Michael was much more awake. He had both eyes wide open and gave me a great smile. His voice sounded even better than yesterday. As with all hospitals they continuously poke and prod all day and night long and he's such a champ through it all. He is still often sleepy and needs lots of rest. Ups and downs...that is the norm.

They did an Echocardiogram this morning and did not see anything abnormal. They want to do another type that is more thorough. Clots originate in the heart, so we need to find anything that might look suspicious. They will compare all of the Echos he has had (we are going on 4).

His vitals are maintaining normal readings. But they have all the time, so that's nothing new.

He is on blood thinners, so hopefully the clots stay away. They have also recommended him for acute physical care, so when he can be released medically he will most likely enter a facility for intensive treatment due to his age and good body strength prior to the event. There is no time frame for the next phase of treatment.

I do need to bring a stick though and beat away all the nurses. They keep commenting on how handsome my guy is! And boy are they right!!

I brought him a hat today to shield his eyes from that awful florescent light that hospitals have. (light sensitivity is common with his type of stroke) He remembered his Amalfi hat right away which made me sooooo happy!

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