March 27

Not any huge changes today. His voice sounds better. So that is hopeful. He also still has his sense of humor. Vision is still doubled. When he closes his right eye, he can see with his left pretty good.

He just told me that this is his third room on this floor and he knew all the nurses. (which is true) When I told him he is Mr. Popular, he said, "I can't help it." His personality is in tact.  :)

We gave him a nice shave and a good hairdo. Just hanging out.

Seen by the Neurologist. He always passes the strength tests so well. He is so strong on both sides which is good. His speed for his finger to nose test was improved. His problem is the location of one of strokes was in the cerebellum, so dizziness and equilibrium are a huge factor for now. PT tried to get him up earlier but he was too dizzy to stand. He is being referred to the next level of PT which would be a sports therapist.

He did not pass the "swallow" test. So they would be worried if they gave him anything by mouth (food, drink) he could aspirate. In a few hours they will send him down to radiology to do a test to see why he is having trouble.

They have him in a cardiac chair to get him out of bed. It's just not healthy to be reclining all day.

3:30PM Back from the swallow test. Speech Pathologist came right up and told us the result was fairly good. He can have thick liquid foods. Anything very liquidy was making him choke. Will get something for dinner and see how that goes down.

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