March 26

11:00AM Progress today in Michael's large to fine motor skills. He was able to feed himself ice chips with a spoon. He was able to do the point from finger to nose test, albeit super slow, but yesterday could not find his nose at all. PT stood him up and he shuffled at the side of the bed. He is still quite dizzy and seeing double. At this point we will take any improvement. At 9pm we will pass our 48 critical hours since the thrombectomy. Dr. Charles Stout is our hero. Rosalyn his 1:1 ICU nurse has been awesome.

We can expect waxing and waning, as they call it. Sometimes good. Sometimes bad. 

5:35 performing an Echocardiogram to see if they can find the source of the clotting problem. Still no read on that. The technician thought she might see something and I had to sign a waiver for them to inject him with an agent to better show the area of interest.

9pm Since he is considered stable, he was transferred back to Kaiser Moreno Valley to continue monitoring and therapy. Jake and I stopped by to be sure he was comfortable and meet his nurse. Gave him kisses and said goodnight.

10:45. Jake and I are home. Time to get some sleep....

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