March 25

When we first arrived after his MRI, I held his hand and asked him to squeeze and he did. Then he was squeezing 3 times... I Love You! We were communicating.

His breathing tube was allowed to be removed as he was breathing okay on his own. We got to meet with the doctor and look at the recent MRI results. You could see the areas of damage in the brain. One of which was in the hypothalamus region as well as the cerebellum. I wish I could remember all of the words that were thrown around. But medical language is very difficult to retain, especially when you are so exhausted. 

He had about three or four affected areas total in the brain. At this point the doctor seemed to be pleased that he had responded in the way he had so far. With some times of being awake and responding to our requests. Interacting with us. Within 6 months we should what our "new normal" will be. What we said in the beginning was just a bump in the road, is now more like a detour. But we can be strong and handle it.

At 2:00 He sang "I love you truly...truly I do" to me. His voice was super raspy since they had just taken out the breathing tube. He also whispered, "I love you to pieces."  It was so sweet and the best moment of my day.

2:20 13 vials of blood taken. Wow! Dracula had arrived. So he slept a lot. He would not wake up for the nurse a couple of times...or answer her questions.

During his several times daily stroke diagnostic test, he was supposed to read some simple words but could not do it. He had trouble touching his nose with his hand.

We played music for him. He started snapping his fingers! It was awesome! Then Jake played his favorite "I love you more today than yesterday" jazzy song and he started tapping his toes and fingers. We were so excited.

We will take improvement. Any small improvement.

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