
All is well

Things are going well. We just hit the FOUR year post-stroke mark last week. IN-FRICKING-CREDIBLE! Seems like a lifetime ago but other times it seems like last year. Michael continues to do well. He had a CT of the brain last month and all looks good. Doc just wants to repeat every few years to be sure blood flow is normal and the stent in the vertebral artery is holding up. Gym, twice a week and walking are our main activities.  We went nearly 3 miles just today. M is strong and wonderful!! Most importantly he is happy and positive. Here he is on a recent walk in our neighborhood. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping. We LOVE our slice of paradise.

Fun Fall - October 2021

We have done some fun things recently. We went ziplining with a group of 15 family members up in Big Bear. Michael did GREAT! We were all so proud of him and he was an inspiration to everyone. His motto for the day was, "I can do it!" We were also extremely proud of my mom who was checking the adventure off her "bucket list." She is 81 and was flying through the air like a champ! The following week we went to Ontario to see a pre-season game of our favorite basketball team, the LA Clippers. It was the first professional sports event we've been to since Michael's stroke. We had a good time.  Otherwise, we fill our days with music and fun. Michael continues his writing, I do my dancing, and we have our twice weekly gym days and all our walks, cart rides, visits with friends, community parties. Life is great.  

June 2021

All is well! We are enjoying going to the gym once a week and will increase to two times a week or so when the weather gets too hot to walk during the day.  A couple of weeks ago we went to a disco party at the Lodge. We had a great time and Michael even hit the dance floor too! I am also doing my weekly Line Dancing and they had a party too! Activities are ready to explode here! Everyone is so eager to get back to fun with friends. I celebrated my 55th birthday on June 1. I'm now officially legal to live in Four Seasons! Haha! We no longer have to kid that Michael snuck me in.  :) Life is good.

April 2021

  We got our Covid-19 vaccinations a few weeks ago. We were so happy to have had the opportunity to get Pfizer doses at a community directly across from ours. With easing restrictions in our County (for now) we are back to the gym once a week and I get to do line dancing now too!  April is a beautiful month here, so we are taking advantage of lots of walks and cart rides.  Michael is doing well. He continues to do his writing and is kicking out books like crazy! We have 3 published on Amazon. (search Michael J. Canon if you are interested)  All is well.

March 2021

We are doing well. Our indoor facilities are still not open, but hopefully that will change soon as more of us get immunized and hopefully get Covid under control. Then we can continue going to the gym and I can line dance. In the meanwhile, we take lots of walks and cart rides when the weather cooperates. As you can see by the pic below we had some snow at the end of January. That was a treat!  Ben and Jake come and visit a weekend each month, so that is always a highlight for us.  They are both doing great.  

All Is Well

Me and my guys on a Christmas Day walk. Wow! Time is just flying by. I haven't updated the blog for a long time, so I figured maybe I should post something to let you know we haven't disappeared. Honestly, not much has been going on so there hasn't been anything to report. We all have remained healthy, so that's good. Hopefully with the Covid 19 immunization being administered soon we can start having some fun before too long.  Michael spends several hours a day writing middle grade fiction. Writing is one of the things he enjoyed before his stroke. He has written a few books now and we have made them available on Amazon Kindle. He was super happy to see his works self-published. One copy was purchased by someone in the Netherlands. Lol  The titles are: "I Never Wanted to be a Spy" "I Never Wanted to be a Pirate" and "We Never Wanted to be Superheroes"  They are super fun. He did a good job. Please stay safe, friends. ❤️

August 2020

Hi friends and family. I haven't posted in a couple of months. With COVID-19 peaking here in California, we have been laying very low. Walking when not too hot, and riding the cart in the evenings -- maybe a trip to Starbucks -- but mostly staying put in our community. Father's Day was nice. Ben and Jake came out to see their awesome dad, of course. Our Anniversary was on July 1. Wow! 32 years. Despite the pandemic, our community had its 4th of July parade. There were golf carts, classic cars, trucks, jeeps and even a couple of bike riders. I think there were more in the parade than watching on the streets. I'm guessing there were nearly 100 vehicles in total, with several people in each vehicle. My mom came with us again like last year and we had a great time. As I write this, there is a large fire on the mountains near our house. It started about 7 miles away and has consumed a few thousand acres. It's been interesting watching the aircraft making their drops of Phos-...