March 2020

Wow. Wasn't March the longest month ever? It seemed to drag on and on. But here we are. April. We passed our two year mark since Michael's series of strokes. It came and went without little notice, as our thoughts are more with the millions of people who are affected by COVID-19. We cannot fathom the pain and suffering so many people are experiencing. It's heart-wrenching. March 26th was Michael's official last day of "work" as he had been on the district payroll until then. We are so grateful for the dozens of his colleagues who collectively donated just over a year of sick leave so we could postpone the inevitable for as long as possible. Now we are a couple of retired folks! Not quite in the mood to celebrate, as this was not exactly entered into under ideal circumstances. But we have had two years of practice and we enjoy our carefree days. We have already perfected the art of napping...that's for sure. All our facilities here are closed, s...