February 2020 Review

Our biggest accomplishment for the month was a 2.7 mile walk. That is the farthest we have gone yet!! Besides that feat, February was mostly uneventful for us. Michael began feeling dizzy toward the end of the month, and since dizziness was a symptom of his initial cerebellar stroke, we didn't want to chance it. So, we spent 10 hours in the ER of Kaiser Fontana. Most of the time was spent waiting for an MRI and the the review of the MRI. They did a thorough work up and even consulted with his Neurointerventionalist who is at the same location. They all agreed the dizziness was not stroke related as all of his tests came out great. They are not sure what is causing it exactly, but gave him some motion sickness medication to help until the episodes pass. So we have been taking it easy for several days now and will resume our regular schedule when he isn't experiencing feeling like he's on a ship on the rough ocean. We enjoyed NBA All Star Weekend with Ben and Jake, watchin...