
Showing posts from January, 2019

January is history

I can honestly say I'm glad January is nearly over. It was a tough month, really. But we survived and even thrived through it all. We got our money from Geico and purchased a new car. It's a Honda CRV. We like it a lot so far. It nearly drives itself, I swear! There are some super cool safety features. I actually wish it had a force field surrounding it that would keep it from getting rear ended like the Santa Fe did. I just mostly wish people would slow down on the freeways and stop driving like impatient idiots. (keep dreaming, I know) Introducing Carly. (my car names are kind of predictable) M had his first physical therapy session with a place here in Beaumont. The car insurance company is paying for it, so why not. They will work twice a week on his shoulders, back, and neck to be sure the effects of the accident are minimal. We will go there for about 10 sessions. Combine that with his other physical therapy, and that makes for a lot of sessions each week. But w...

The 58-Year-Old

We celebrated Michael's 58th birthday on Friday the 18th. My brother Terry, and Sister-in-law, Kathy took us out to lunch at one of our favorite places (Guy's Italian) where we hadn't been since the stroke. M loved his pepperoni pizza. M spoke with several people on the phone who called to wish him a happy birthday, which is something he really hadn't done much before. Everyone agreed that they could understand him most of the time, so that was super exciting! Also, this week he has started doing more independent tasks, such as getting his own morning meds, and get his breakfast items. I've also left him alone for an hour or so to run errands a couple of times and he's doing great. Just watches TV, but is safe. He also called me when I was out one of the days. He hadn't used his phone yet. So that was really cool. We've had quite a bit of rain, which is making everything so beautiful. Below is a photo I took during one of our cruises in the ...

Can we have a do over?

Well.....the year started out a bit bumpy. M and I are feeling fine now, but we were involved in an accident on January 3. We were rear-ended by a Cadillac Escalade on the I-10 in Redlands, on our way home from therapy. Both cars were stuck in the fast lane for about 20 minutes. Mine could go forward, but the CRAZY traffic wouldn't slow down or stop to allow me to get safely to the shoulder. So we just sat there, and sat there, until a Traffic Commute Response truck escorted me over. (I didn't know there was such a thing) The CHP officer who showed up was so kind and helpful. Especially with Michael. Walking with him down the side of the road and helping him climb into the tow truck. The tow truck driver actually brought us all the way home because he just didn't want to leave us stranded anywhere. That was a scary event!! Now we have a rental as we wait for the $13,000 worth of repairs to be made. Both M and I were a bit sore from the whiplash for a few days, but luc...

2018 Reflection

2018 was definitely a challenging year. Of course, if you follow this blog, you know what Michael and I have been through. However, during our personal struggle, my immediate/extended family had a struggle as well. My father had been suffering from Alzheimer's / Dementia for a few years. He never got so bad that he couldn't remember us, thankfully, but in mid-December he needed to be put in a care home. He declined quickly and, on Christmas evening, we lost him. During Michael's stroke recovery, while being a caregiver herself, my mom made a point to see us at least once a week. When M was in the hospital, she would make sure to come over a couple times a week, bringing food that she knew I would most likely not otherwise eat. The last couple of months, as M was improving, and Dad was declining, we started going down to their house in Hemet more often, instead of them coming up to Beaumont. Sharing meals, and just supporting each other. Looking back now, I am very hap...